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    Customer Testimonials





    Tea & Snacks shop

    Loan Amount:

    10 LAKHS


    House Purchase






    Soup Shop

    Loan Amount:

    17 LAKHS


    Business improvement & House Construction







    Vegetable Vendor

    Loan Amount:

    6 LAKHS


    Working Capital



    Sachin Ingawale always wanted to start something on his own. Believing in his entrepreneurial skills, Sanhin Ingawale left his job at a small private firm 6 years ago and started a Tea & Snacks Shop at one of the prime locations in Pune, which was very near to the IT hub and National highway.

    With his dedication and hard work, he could earn a profit of 10-15% every month. His mother too had a dream of owning a house and Sachin was determined to fulfil his mother’s dream. Sachin had decent savings, but it was impossible for him to buy a house without a loan. It became a taboo for him to avail loan anywhere as he did not have any documents to prove his business cash flow and income. His determination and perseverence finally paid off. He finally approached a DSA, who referred him to Vistaar Finance. It just took 15 days from there on to avail a loan of 10 lakhs from Vistaar. Sachin contributed 5 lakhs from his savings and purchased a house worth 15 lakhs. And owning a house in Pune was no longer just a dream for Sachin.


    “I never knew availing loan from Vistaar was so easy, as I did not have any documents to prove my income. No Income documents were required, no bank statement was asked. With just KYC and property papers my loan was processed. I could get a loan of 10 Lakhs for purchasing a house of 420 sqft at Mauli Heights. My dream of purchasing a house for my mother was fulfilled by Vistaar and I am living my dream. I am ever grateful to Vistaar.”




    • Left job, started Tea & Snacks stall
    • Has a profit of 10-15%
    • Avails a loan of 10 Lakhs to purchase a flat
    A young lady with zeal and passion to prove herself, moved from her village Shivagangai to Coimbatore 8 years ago to set up her own business. She started with a small soup shop in Coimbatore.

    Manjula had a dream of expanding her business to different parts of the city. Manjula approached many financiers for loan, but all her efforts went in vain as she could not avail loan anywhere. One of her friends suggested her to approach Vistaar and she applied for loan at Vistaar. The process was quick. She availed a loan of 10 lakhs from Vistaar and soon she expanded her business to various parts of the city. Her business improved, so did her income. She was really happy with the service at Vistaar. She availed another loan of 7 lakhs after a year and realized another dream of having an own house in Coimbatore.


    “Success is assured if one does not take her eyes off the aim. I had two dreams, 1. To expand my business to multiple locations in Coimbatore and 2. To have my own house in Coimbatore. Vistaar acted as a catalyst and helped me realise my dreams quickly. I have referred two other friends of mine to Vistaar and they have also benefitted after availing loan from Vistaar. Vistaar processes loan with minimal documents in short period of time. Thank you Vistaar for helping me live my dream.”





    • 8 years ago started business in the name of “Green World Food”
    • May 2018 - Took 10 Lakhs Loan from Vistaar
    • Has 4 Soup Centres in Coimbatore
    • May 2019- Took 7 Lakhs for construction of house
    A small property dealer, when suffered losses in his business 6 years ago, did not lose heart and decided to start afresh.

    Sabir Khan ventured into vegetables business and started selling vegetables in a small mandi of Indore named Rajmohalla Mandi. He used to procure vegetables from the farmers by paying them advance and sold it to the retail shops. With time, his profit increased to 40k per month. But in July 19, when vegetable prices increased, the pressure to pay higher advance increased. He could no more manage by taking hand loans from friends and relatives. Thus his dream of expanding his business came down crashing. He discussed about the loan requirement with his friend who referred Vistaar to him. Being a first time borrower he was hesitant at first, but when he met the Branch Manager and Credit Manager at Vistaar, all his doubts were put to rest. He availed a loan of 6 Lakhs, which paved the way for expanding Sabir Khan’s business.


    “I am highly obliged to Vistaar for helping me live my dream of expanding my business. I am now doing business in one of the largest mandis in Indore. Vistaar helped me during my tough times and I am ever grateful to Vistaar.”





    • Took Shop establishment Certificate
    • Earned a profit of 30-40k per month, operated from a small Mandi
    • July 2018 - Took loan from Vistaar
    • Profit has increased to 40k-60k per month, operates in the largest mandi of Indore


    Vistaar’s portfolio is well diversified across sectors, geographies and offering unique products in line with the company’s long-term policy of de-risking, while meeting customer demands to a maximum.

    Kirana /General Store

    Hotels & Bakery

    Power/Auto/ Handloom

    Home-based Enterprise




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    Fraud Disclaimer

    Vistaar Financial Services Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as ‘The Company’) has been made aware that individuals purporting to act as, or on The company’s behalf and using The company’s name (either in full as detailed in the beginning of this disclaimer or in various forms with some or more similarities) have approached prospective loan speakers in the general public offering loans. These approaches are intended to defraud individuals and damage the reputation of the Company. Any communication that is sent from The Company is either sent from our registered domain name @vistaarfinace.com or through formal correspondence. Under no circumstances should nay money be transferred to any individual or entity. Without having first conducted due diligence on that recipient of those funds.

    If you receive what you believe is an email from any individual purporting to represent The Company or are approached by any individual who is unable to demonstrate that he is a legitimate employee of The Company, please call us at 080 49373037 or forward doubtful email communications to us at contact.us@vistaarfinance.com, forwarding the email or letter, and alternatively report this to your local police Vistaar Financial Services Private Limited does not tolerate such frauds/criminal activity in any form and shall not be considered liable for any loss or inconvenience resulting from communication or business transactions with unauthorize individuals or entities.

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